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From V1 to V2

This page describes the most relevant differences between version 1 and version 2 of the web framework. The most relevant changes are:

  • Improved project templates and the blacksheep-cli to bootstrap new projects.
  • Automatic import of routes and controllers.
  • Added functions to support the notion of application environment.
  • Improved dependency injection, with support for alternatives to rodi.
  • Improved server side rendering, with support for alternatives to Jinja2.
  • Added support for dependency injection in authentication and authorization handlers.
  • Removed the @app.route decorator and moved it to the Router class.
  • Improved the Router class to support sub-routers and filters.
  • Improved the OIDC features to support storing tokens in the HTML5 Storage API instead of cookies.
  • Some classes have been renamed to better follow Python naming conventions.

The full list of changes is at the bottom of this page. It includes changes that were applied to version 1 of the framework, too.


The second version of the framework features improved project templates, with a dedicated CLI for project scaffolding. For more information on the CLI, read More about the CLI.

CLI help

The improved project templates also include a strategy to validate settings using Pydantic.

Automatic import of routes and controllers

The second version of the framework includes features to considerably reduce code verbosity when defining routes and controllers.

The framework now exposes methods of a default singleton Router instance, to be used to register routes independently from application instantiation. This enables a much cleaner code API, and consistent with the existing API to register controllers.

from blacksheep import get, post

async def get_examples() -> list[str]:

async def add_example(self, example: str):

For more information on the above, read Using the default router and other routers.

All modules inside routes and controllers packages are imported automatically in v2. Automatic import works relative to where a BlackSheep application is instantiated. In the structure described below, the modules in app.controllers and app.routes namespace are imported automatically when an application is instantiated inside app.main.

├── controllers
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── routes
│   ├──
│   └──

The difference in code verbosity is considerable, because previously defining routes and controllers explicitly was not sufficient to have them registered in applications.

Notion of application environment

The namespace blacksheep.server.env provides an abstraction layer to support the notion of application environment. It provides functions that can be used to apply logic depending on whether the application is running for local development, or a different kind of environment (e.g. dev, test, prod).

These functions use the environment variable APP_ENV to determine the type of environment, defaulting to production if such variable is missing.

from blacksheep.server.env import is_development, is_production

# is_development returns true if APP_ENV (lower) is in {"local", "dev", "development"}
# is_production returns true if APP_ENV (lower) is missing or in {"prod", "production"}

Changes to dependency injection

In v2, rodi and BlackSheep have been modified to enable alternative implementations of dependency injection. rodi now defines a ContainerProtocol with a basic API to register and resolve dependencies, and BlackSheep relies on that protocol instead of its specific implementation in rodi.

For more information, read the dedicated part in the Dependency Injection page.

Changes to server side rendering

BlackSheep v2 has been modified to not be strictly reliant on Jinja2 for template rendering. To achieve this, two new namespaces have been added:

  •, defining an abstract Renderer class,
  • blacksheep.settings.html, defining a code API to control renderer settings

The code API of the view and view_async functions in the blacksheep.server.responses namespace has been improved, using the renderer configured in blacksheep.settings.html.

The following examples show how a view can be rendered, having a template defined at the path views/home.jinja:

from blacksheep import Application, get
from blacksheep.server.responses import view

app = Application()

def home():
    return view("home", {"example": "Hello", "foo": "World"})
from blacksheep import Application
from blacksheep.server.templating import use_templates
from jinja2 import PackageLoader

app = Application()
get = app.router.get

view = use_templates(app, loader=PackageLoader("app", "views"))

def home():
    return view("home", {"example": "Hello", "foo": "World"})


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">

For more information, read the updated page describing Server Side Rendering.

Improvements to authentication and authorization handlers

GuardPost has been modified to support the new ContainerProtocol in rodi, and authentication and authorization handlers now support dependency injection.

Removed the app.route method

The Application class was modified to remove the route method, which is now available in the Router class. The reason for this change it to make the code API consistent between methods used to register request handlers. The route method of the singleton default Router instance is also exposed by blacksheep package like the other methods to register request handlers.

from blacksheep import Application, route

app = Application()

def home():
    return "Example"
from blacksheep import Application

app = Application()

def home():
    return "Example"

Improvements to the Router class

The Router class has been improved to support sub-routers and filters. For more information, read Using sub-routers and filters.

Improvements to OIDC support

The functions that implement OpenID Connect (OIDC) support have been improved to support storing tokens (id_token, access_token, refresh_token) in any kind of store, and with built-in support for the HTML5 Storage API.

Examples in GitHub

Refer to the OIDC examples

The following partial example shows how to use the use_openid_connect function to configure a web app to:

  • use OpenID Connect with Entra ID to implement authentication
  • store id_token, access_token, and refresh_token using the HTML5 Storage API
  • configure the back-end API to use JWT Bearer authentication (clients must send requests with Authorization: Bearer <JWT> headers)
This example shows how to configure an OpenID Connect integration having tokens
exchanged with the client using the HTML5 Storage API, instead of response cookies.
This scenario enables better reusability of web APIs.
See how the id_token is used in ./static/index.html to authenticate following requests
('Authorization: Bearer ***' headers), and how the refresh token endpoint can be used
to obtain fresh tokens.
import uvicorn
from blacksheep.server.application import Application
from blacksheep.server.authentication.jwt import JWTBearerAuthentication
from blacksheep.server.authentication.oidc import (
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from common.routes import register_routes
from common.secrets import Secrets

secrets = Secrets.from_env()
app = Application(show_error_details=True)

CLIENT_ID = "499adb65-5e26-459e-bc35-b3e1b5f71a9d"
            "openid profile offline_access email "

register_routes(app, static_home=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=5000, log_level="debug")

Changes to follow naming conventions

Some classes have been renamed to better follow Python naming conventions. For example the aliases 'HtmlContent' and 'JsonContent' that were kept for backward compatibility in v1, as alternative names for HTMLContent and JSONContent, were removed in v2.

List of changes

The full list of changes in alpha versions released for v2:

  • Renames the plugins namespace to settings.
  • Upgrades rodi to v2, which includes improvements.
  • Adds support for alternative implementation of containers for dependency injection, using the new ContainerProtocol in rodi.
  • Upgrades guardpost to v1, which includes support for dependency injection in authentication handlers and authorization requirements.
  • Adds support for Binders instantiated using dependency injection. However, binders are still instantiated once per request handler and are still singletons.
  • Adds a method to make the Request object accessible through dependency injection (register_http_context). This is not a recommended practice, but it can be desired in some circumstances.
  • Removes the direct dependency on Jinja2 and adds support for alternative ways to achieve Server Side Rendering (SSR) of HTML; however, Jinja2 is still the default library if the user doesn´t specify how HTML should be rendered.
  • Adds options to control Jinja2 settings through environment variables.
  • Removes the deprecated ServeFilesOptions class.
  • Improves how custom binders can be defined, reducing code verbosity for custom types. This is an important feature to implement common validation of common parameters across multiple endpoints.
  • Adds support for binder types defining OpenAPI Specification for their parameters.
  • Fixes bug #305 (ClientSession ssl=False not working as intended).
  • Refactors the classes for OpenID Connect integration to support alternative ways to share tokens with clients, and JWT Bearer token authentication out of the box, in alternative to cookie-based authentication.
  • It adds built-in support for storing tokens (id_token, access_token, and refresh_token) using the HTML5 Storage API (supporting localStorage and sessionStorage). Refresh tokens, if present, are automatically protected to prevent leaking. See the OIDC examples for more information.
  • Renames blacksheep.server.authentication.oidc.TokensStore to TokensStore.
  • Removes the tokens_store parameter from the use_openid_connect method; it is still available as an optional parameter of the two built-in classes used to handle tokens.
  • Replaces request.identity with request.user. The property identity is still kept for backward compatibility, but it will be removed in v3.
  • Removes 'HtmlContent' and 'JsonContent' that were kept as alternative names for HTMLContent and JSONContent.
  • Refactors the ClientSession to own by default a connections pool, if none is specified for it. The connections pool is automatically disposed of when the client is exited, if it was created for the client.
  • Makes the ClientSession more user-friendly, supporting headers defined as dict[str, str] or list[tuple[str, str]].
  • Improves the type annotations of the ClientSession.
  • Corrects a bug in the ClientSession that would cause a task lock when the connection is lost while downloading files.
  • Corrects a bug in the ClientSession causing set-cookie headers to not be properly handled during redirects.
  • Renames the client connection pool classes to remove the prefix "Client".
  • Corrects bug of the Request class that would prevent setting url using a string instead of an instance of URL.
  • Corrects bug of the Request class that prevented the host property from working properly after updating url (causing follow_redirects to not work properly in ClientSession.
  • Upgrades the essentials-openapi dependency, fixing #316.
  • Corrects the Request class to not generate more than one Cookie header when multiple cookies are set, to respect the specification.
  • Adds @app.lifespan to support registering objects that must be initialized at application start, and disposed of at application shutdown. The solution supports registering as many objects as desired.
  • Adds features to handle cache-control response headers: a decorator for request handlers and a middleware to set a default value for all GET requests resulting in responses with status 200.
  • Adds features to control cache-control header for the default document (e.g. index.html) when serving static files; see issue 297.
  • Fixes bug in sessions that prevented updating the session data when using the set and __delitem__ methods; scottrutherford's contribution.

@app.lifespan example:

from blacksheep import Application
from blacksheep.client.session import ClientSession

app = Application()

async def register_http_client():
    async with ClientSession() as client:
        print("HTTP client created and registered as singleton"), instance=client)

    print("HTTP client disposed of")

async def home(http_client: ClientSession):
    return {"ok": True, "client_instance_id": id(http_client)}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host="", port=44777, log_level="debug", lifespan="on")
  • Adds support for user-defined filters for server routes (RouteFilter class).
  • Adds built-in support for routing based on request headers.
  • Adds built-in support for routing based on request query parameters.
  • Adds built-in support for routing based on host header value.
  • Adds a query.setter to the Request class, to set queries using dict[str, str | sequence[str]] as input.
  • The functions registered to application events don't need anymore to define the app argument (they can be functions without any argument).
  • Adds `Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' to all responses generated for the OpenID Connect flow.
  • Adds support for automatic import of modules defined under controllers and routes packages, relative to where the Application class is instantiated. Fix #334.
  • Adds a GzipMiddleware that can be used to enable gzip compression, using the built-in module. Contributed by @tyzhnenko ✨
  • Improves how tags are generated for OpenAPI Documentation: adds the possibility to document tags explicitly and control their order, otherwise sorts them alphabetically by default, when using controllers or specifying tags for routes. Contributed by @tyzhnenko ✨
  • Adds a strategy to control features depending on application environment: is_development, is_production depending on APP_ENV environment variable. For more information, see Defining application environment.
  • Makes the client ConnectionPools a context manager, its __exit__ method closes all its TCP-IP connections.
  • Improves exception handling so it is possible to specify how specific types of HTTPException must be handled (#342).
  • Improves the error message when a list of objects if expected for an incoming request body, and a non-list value is received (#341).
  • Replaces chardet and cchardet with charset-normalizer. Contributed by @mementum.
  • Upgrades all dependencies.
  • Adopts pyproject.toml.
  • Fixes bug in CORS handling when multiple origins are allowed.
  • Adds a Vary: Origin response header for CORS requests when the value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is a specific URL.
  • Adds algorithms parameter to JWTBearerAuthentication constructor, by @tyzhnenko.
  • Improves the code API to define security definitions in OpenAPI docs, by @tyzhnenko.
  • Applies a correction to the auto-import function for routes and controllers.
  • Add support for StreamedContent with specific content length; fixing #374 both on the client and the server side.
  • Fix #373, about missing closing ASGI message when an async generator does not yield a closing empty bytes sequence (b"").
  • Make version dynamic in pyproject.toml, simplifying how the version can be queried at runtime (see #362).
  • Fix #372. Use the ASGI scope root_path when possible, as base_path.
  • Fix #371. Returns status 403 Forbidden when the user is authenticated but not authorized to perform an action.
  • Fixes TypeError when writing a request without a host header.
  • Add support for Pydantic v2: meaning feature parity with support for Pydantic v1 (generating OpenAPI Documentation).
  • Add support for Union types in sub-properties of request handlers input and output types, for generating OpenAPI Documentation, both using simple classes and Pydantic #389
  • Resolves bug in 2.0a10 caused by incompatibility issue with Cython 3.
  • Pins Cython to 3.0.2 in the build job.
  • Fixes bug #394, causing the Content max body size to be 2147483647. (C int max value). Reported and fixed by @thomafred.
  • Add support for .jinja extension by @thearchitector.
  • Makes the .jinja extension default for Jinja templates.
  • Adds support for Python 3.12, by @bymoye
  • Replaces pkg_resources with importlib.resources for all supported Python versions except for 3.8.
  • Runs tests against Pydantic 2.4.2 instead of Pydantic 2.0 to check support for Pydantic v2.
  • Adds .webp and .webm to the list of extensions of files that are served by default.

Last modified on: 2023-12-18 17:52:09