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Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events (SSE) enable creating a persistent, one-way connection between a client and a server. When using SSE, a client can receive automatic updates from a server via an HTTP connection.

BlackSheep implements built-in support for server-side events since version 2.0.6, offering features to simplify their use. This page describes how to use the built-in features for server-sent events.


Older versions of the web framework can also be configured to use SSE, because they all support response streaming, but don't offer dedicated features to simplify their use.

Defining a server-sent events route

The following example describes how to configure a route for server-sent events, defining a request handler as asynchronous generator:

import asyncio
from import AsyncIterable

from blacksheep import Application, get
from blacksheep.server.sse import ServerSentEvent

app = Application()

# A request handler defined as async generator yielding ServerSentEvent...
async def events_handler() -> AsyncIterable[ServerSentEvent]:
    for i in range(3):
        yield ServerSentEvent({"message": f"Hello World {i}"})
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
  1. Import ServerSentEvent from blacksheep.server.sse.
  2. Import AsyncIterable from, or from typing if support for Python 3.8 is desired.
  3. Define a request handler as asynchronous generator with a return type annotation of AsyncIterable[ServerSentEvent] (the function must be async and must include at least one yield statement like above).

In this case the return type annotation on the request handler is mandatory because the request handler is automatically normalized by BlackSheep.

BlackSheep supports request handlers defined as asynchronous generators since version 2.0.6 especially for this use case, to support less verbose code when using server-sent events. Previous versions already supported response streaming, but required returning a Response bound to a StreamedContent and an asynchronous generator yielding bytes. Using async generators with custom classes require configuring the type of Response that is used to convert those classes into bytes, like described in the responses page.

The following example shows how to define a server-sent event route controlling the Response object.

Defining a server-sent events route controlling the Response object

To define a server-sent events route and maintain control of the Response object, refer to the following example:

import asyncio
from import AsyncIterable

from blacksheep import Application, get
from blacksheep.server.sse import ServerSentEvent, ServerSentEventsResponse

app = Application()

# An AsyncGenerator yielding ServerSentEvent...
async def events_provider() -> AsyncIterable[ServerSentEvent]:
    for i in range(3):
        yield ServerSentEvent({"message": f"Hello World {i}"})
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

# A request handler returning a streaming response bound to the generator...
def events_handler():
    return ServerSentEventsResponse(events_provider)

In this case the return type annotation is optional.


If you need to access the request object or other injected objects inside the generator, use functools.partial for the function argument of the ServerSentEventsResponse.

Using controllers

Server-sent events routes are also supported in controllers.

import asyncio
from import AsyncIterable

from blacksheep import Application, Request
from blacksheep.server.process import is_stopping
from blacksheep.server.sse import ServerSentEvent
from blacksheep.server.controllers import Controller, get

app = Application()

class Home(Controller):
    async def events_handler(self, request: Request) -> AsyncIterable[ServerSentEvent]:
        i = 0

        while True:
            if await request.is_disconnected():
                print("The request is disconnected!")

            if is_stopping():
                print("The application is stopping!")

            i += 1
            yield ServerSentEvent({"message": f"Hello World {i}"})

                await asyncio.sleep(1)
            except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError:

The ServerSentEvent class

Property Description
data An object that will be transmitted to the client, in JSON.
event Optional event type name.
id Optional event ID to set the EventSource's last event ID value.
retry Optional reconnection delay time, in milliseconds, when a the connection to the server is lost.
comment Optional comment.

For more information on events properties, please refer to the MDN documentation.

Handling client disconnections and application shutdown

When using a technique that relies on persistent HTTP connections, it is generally necessary to handle:

  • client disconnections, to stop handling requests that were disconnected.
  • application shutdown gracefully, to close pending connections.

To check if a request is disconnected, use the request.is_disconnected() method where appropriate.

To check if the server process is shutting down, use the is_stopping function from blacksheep.server.process.

from blacksheep.server.process import is_stopping

The following example demonstrates a basic usage of both features:

import asyncio
from import AsyncIterable

from blacksheep import Application, Request, get
from blacksheep.server.process import is_stopping
from blacksheep.server.sse import ServerSentEvent

app = Application()

async def events_handler(request: Request) -> AsyncIterable[ServerSentEvent]:
    i = 0

    while True:
        if await request.is_disconnected():
            print("The request is disconnected!")

        if is_stopping():
            print("The application is stopping!")

        i += 1
        yield ServerSentEvent({"message": f"Hello World {i}"})

            await asyncio.sleep(1)
        except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError:

Example in GitHub

Refer to the server-sent events example for an example that handles application shutdown and client disconnections, and also presents a basic example in JavaScript to use SSE.

Using SSE in older versions of BlackSheep

The following example illustrates how to use server-sent events in older versions of the web framework.

import asyncio
import json
from blacksheep import Application, Response, StreamedContent, get

app = Application()

def events_handler(request):
    async def provider():
        i = 0
        while True:
            # TODO: implement way to detect if the process is stopping,
            # and if the request is still active,
            # use await request.is_disconnected() if available...
            obj = {"message": f"Hello World {i}"}
            yield b"data: " + json.dumps(obj).encode("utf8") + b"\r\n\r\n"
            i += 1

                await asyncio.sleep(1)
            except asyncio.CancelledError:

    return Response(
        headers=[(b"Cache-Control", b"no-cache"), (b"Connection", b"Keep-Alive")],
        content=StreamedContent(b"text/event-stream", provider),

Server-sent events are often related to WebSockets, which instead enable bi-directional communication between a server and a client, and to long-polling, which is often used as a fall-back when SSE or WebSockets are not supported.

Last modified on: 2024-01-16 21:23:29