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Data protection

Web applications often need to protect data, so that it can be stored in cookies or other types of storage. BlackSheep uses itsdangerous to sign and encrypt information, for example when storing claims obtained from id_tokens when using an integration with an identity provider using OpenID Connect, or when handling session cookies.

This page documents:

  • How to handle secrets
  • Example use of data protection

How to handle secrets

Symmetric encryption is used to sign and encrypt information in several scenarios. This means that BlackSheep applications need secrets to protect sensitive data in some circumstances. When keys are not specified, they are generated automatically in memory when the application starts, for the best user experience.


This means that keys are not persisted when applications restart, and are not consistent when multiple instances of the same application are deployed across regions, or within the same server. This is acceptable during local development, but should not be the case in production environments.

To use consistent keys, configure one or more environment variables like the following:

  • APP_SECRET_1="***"
  • APP_SECRET_2="***"
  • APP_SECRET_3="***"

Keys can be configured in a host environment, or fetched from a dedicated service such as AWS Secrets Manager or Azure Key Vault at application start-up, and configured as environment settings for the application. DO NOT store secrets that are meant to be used in production under source control.


from blacksheep.server.dataprotection import get_serializer

serializer = get_serializer(purpose="example")

token = serializer.dumps({"id": 1, "message": "This will be kept secret"})


data = serializer.loads(token)


Last modified on: 2023-12-18 17:52:09