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The Application class

The Application class in BlackSheep is responsible for handling the application life cycle (start, working state, stop), routing, web requests, and exceptions. This page describes the details of the Application class:

  • How to handle errors.
  • Application events and life cycle.

Handling errors

BlackSheep catches any unhandled exception that happen during the execution of request handlers, producing an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error response. To see this in practice, start an application like the following:

from blacksheep import Application, get

app = Application()

def crash_test():
    raise Exception("Crash test")

And observe how a request to its root produces a response with HTTP status 500, and the text "Internal server error".

Exception details are hidden from the client by default: it would be a security issue if the web application returned error details to the client. However, while developing and occasionally while investigating issues, it is useful to be able to obtain error details directly from the web requests that are failing. To enable error details, update the app declaration as follows:

app = Application(show_error_details=True)

Now the application returns the details of the exception with the full stack trace, serving a page like the following:

Internal server error page

Consider using environmental variables to handle these kinds of settings that can vary across environments. For example:

import os
from blacksheep import Application

app = Application(show_error_details=bool(os.environ.get("SHOW_ERROR_DETAILS", None)))

def crash_test():
    raise Exception("Crash test")

Settings strategy

BlackSheep project templates include a strategy to handle application settings and configuration roots.

Configuring exceptions handlers

The BlackSheep Application object has an exceptions_handlers dictionary that defines how errors should be handled. When an exception happens while handling a web request and reaches the application, the application checks if there is a matching handler for that kind of exception. An exception handler is defined as a function with the following signature:

from blacksheep import Request, Response, text

async def exception_handler(self, request: Request, exc: Exception) -> Response:

In the exception below

class CustomException(Exception):

async def exception_handler(self, request, exc: CustomException):
    nonlocal app
    assert self is app
    assert isinstance(exc, CustomException)
    return text("Called")

# Register the exception handler for the CustomException type:
app.exceptions_handlers[CustomException] = exception_handler

async def home(request):
    # of course, the exception can be raised at any point
    # for example in the business logic layer
    raise CustomException()

Exceptions inheriting from HTTPException can be mapped to handlers by their type or by their status code, using int keys; while user-defined exceptions are mapped to handlers by their type.

When an exception handler is registered for a type of exception, all subclasses are also handled by that handler. It is however possible to define a more specific handler for one of the descendant classes.

Configuring exception handlers using decorators

It is also possible to register exception handlers using decorators, instead of interacting with app.exceptions_handlers dictionary:

class CustomException(Exception):

async def handler_example(self, request, exc: CustomException):

Overriding the default exception handler for unhandled exceptions

To override how unhandled exceptions are handled, define a custom Application class overriding its handle_internal_server_error method, like in the following example:

from blacksheep import Application, json
from blacksheep.messages import Request

class MyApp(Application):
    async def handle_internal_server_error(self, request: Request, exc: Exception):
        # TODO: handle this as you wish!
        return json({"message": "Oh, no!"}, 500)

Application events

A BlackSheep application exposes three events: on_start, after_start, on_stop. These events can be used to configure callbacks and services that depend on the application lifecycle. The application class also offers a useful method to configure objects that need to be initialized when the application starts, and disposed of when the application stops: lifespan.

Using the lifespan decorator

The Application.lifespan method can be used to register objects bound to the application life cycle. Common examples of such objects are HTTP clients and database clients, since they use connection pools that can be initialized and must be disposed of when the application stops.

The following example illustrates how to use the @app.lifespan decorator to create an HTTP ClientSession that will be disposed of when the application stops. Note how the instance of ClientSession is also bound to application services, so that it can be injected into request handlers that need it.

import asyncio
from blacksheep import Application
from blacksheep.client.pool import ClientConnectionPools
from blacksheep.client.session import ClientSession

app = Application()

async def register_http_client():
    async with ClientSession(
    ) as client:
        print("HTTP client created and registered as singleton"), instance=client)

    print("HTTP client disposed of")

async def home(http_client: ClientSession):
    return {"ok": True, "client_instance_id": id(http_client)}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host="", port=44777, log_level="debug", lifespan="on")


The method leverages contextlib.asynccontextmanager. What is defined before the yield statement executes when the application starts, and what is defined after the yield statement executes when the application stops.

The following example illustrates how a redis-py connection can be disposed of using the same method:

import redis.asyncio as redis


async def configure_redis():
    Configure an async Redis client, and dispose of its connections when the
    application stops.
    connection = redis.Redis()
    print(f"Ping successful: {await}"), instance=connection)

    yield connection

    print("Disposing the Redis connection pool...")
    await connection.close()

Example using Redis

The BlackSheep-Examples repository includes an example where Redis is used to store access tokens and refresh tokens obtained using OpenID Connect: example. For more information on redis-py and its async interface, refer to its official documentation.


This event should be used to configure things such as new request handlers, and services registered in, such as database connection pools, and HTTP client sessions.


This event should be used to configure things that must happen after request handlers are normalized. At this point, the application router contains information about actual routes handled by the web application, and routes can be inspected. For example, the built-in generation of OpenAPI Documentation generates the API specification file at this point.


This event should be used to fire callbacks that need to happen when the application is stopped. For example, disposing of services that require disposal, such as database connection pools, and HTTP client sessions using connection pools.

Application life cycle

Refer to the following diagram to know more about when application events are fired, and the state of the application when they are executed.

App life cycle

How to register event handlers

Event handlers can be registered using decorators.

from blacksheep import Application, Request, Response, text, get

app = Application()

async def home(request: Request) -> Response:
    return text("Example Async")

async def on_start(application: Application) -> None:
    print("On start")

async def after_start(application: Application) -> None:
    print("After start")

async def on_stop(application: Application) -> None:
    print("On stop")

In alternative to decorators, event handlers can be registered using +=:

from blacksheep import Application, Request, Response, text, get

app = Application()

async def home(request: Request) -> Response:
    return text("Example Async")

async def before_start(application: Application) -> None:
    print("Before start")

async def after_start(application: Application) -> None:
    print("After start")

async def on_stop(application: Application) -> None:
    print("On stop")

app.on_start += before_start
app.after_start += after_start
app.on_stop += on_stop


For example, to define an after_start callback that logs all routes registered in the application router:

async def after_start_print_routes(application: Application) -> None:


Read about the details of routing in BlackSheep.

Last modified on: 2023-12-18 17:52:09