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Version 1

This documentation refers to the version 1.x of the web framework. The current version of the main branch is documented here.


BlackSheep implements built-in support for sessions, which are handled through digitally signed cookies. This page describes how to use sessions with the built-in classes.

Enabling sessions

To enable sessions, use the app.use_sessions method as in the example below:

from blacksheep import Application, Request, text

app = Application()


def home(request: Request):
    session = request.session

    session["example"] = "Lorem ipsum"

    return text(session["example"])

The use_sessions method accepts the following parameters:

Name Description Defaults to
secret_key required secret key used for signing N/A
session_cookie optional session cookie name "session"
serializer optional blacksheep.sessions.Serializer to serialize and deserialize session values blacksheep.sessions.JSONSerializer
signer optional itsdangerous.Serializer to sign and encrypt the session cookie itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer
encryptor (deprecated) optional blacksheep.sessions.Encryptor to encrypt the session cookie None
session_max_age Optional session max age, in seconds None
    def use_sessions(
        secret_key: str,
        session_cookie: str = "session",
        serializer: Optional[SessionSerializer] = None,
        signer: Optional[Signer] = None,
        encryptor: Optional[Encryptor] = None,
        session_max_age: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:

The built-in sessions middleware uses itsdangerous to sign, encrypt, and verify session cookies. Refer to data protection for more information on how tokens are signed and encrypted.

Using sessions

When sessions are enabled, they are always populated for the request object, and can be accessed through the request.session property.

The sessions middleware takes care of setting a response cookie whenever the session is modified, session cookies are signed and encrypted by default.

def home(request: Request):
    session = request.session

    # setting a value
    session["example"] = "Lorem ipsum"

    # getting a value
    foo = session.get("foo")

    # getting a value with default
    foo = session.get("foo", 100)

    # getting a value (can produce KeyError)
    foo = session["foo"]

    # checking if a key is set
    if "something" in session:

    # deleting a key
    del session["something"]

    # update with many values
    session.update({"a": 1, "b": 2})

    return text(session["example"])

Last modified on: 2022-02-16 07:52:42