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Version 1

This documentation refers to the version 1.x of the web framework. The current version of the main branch is documented here.

Contributing to BlackSheep

This page describes how to contribute to BlackSheep. Most of the information presented here applies also to other projects from Neoteroi (e.g. rodi, guardpost, essentials-openapi), although among these projects, only BlackSheep is using Cython.

System requirements

Building blacksheep locally requires the following:

  • one of the supported Python versions; it is recommended to use one of the latest two stable versions (e.g. Python 3.8 or 3.9 as of the 1st of May 2021)
  • a C compiler, required to use Cython (refer to Cython's documentation for more information on this subject)

Preparing a development environment

  1. fork the main repository in GitHub
  2. clone the forked repository
  3. create a Python virtual environment in the desired location (.gitignores is configured to ignore a venv folder, so if you name your virtual environment this way, you can comfortably keep the virtual environment in the same folder of the repository)
  4. install the dependencies that are required to develop, listed in requirements.txt
    (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  5. compile the C extensions: if your system supports Makefile, use make compile; otherwise run manually the commands described in the Makefile for cyt and compile commands
  6. run the unit tests to verify if things were compiled correctly, using pytest or make test

Watch the following video for instructions:


Formatters and style enforcement

BlackSheep uses the following tools for code formatting:

flake8, black, and isort are used in the CI pipeline as a required step for successful build completion. The repository includes configuration files for flake8 and black.

The provided Makefile defines a task to run linters:

  • make lint - to run flake8, isort, and black validation

Type hints

BlackSheep aims at being type friendly, meaning:

  • most functions, especially those whose arguments are not obvious, should be type annotated
  • when developers work with popular text editors and IDEs like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code, they should benefit from proper help / auto-completion of parameters required by functions and constructors
  • the parts coded in Cython are documented using stub files (.pyi), see PEP 484
  • the code should be generally respectful of MyPy and, when Visual Studio Code is used, Pylance

This being said, blacksheep doesn't aim at 100% typing coverage or full adherence to MyPy's (or pyright/Pylance's) notions of typing perfection. The most important thing is for features to work as intended and well (good enough!), and to be fully test-covered.

Type hints

Code coverage

BlackSheep features 100% code coverage, except for some rare cases where #pragma: no cover is used. New contributions should not decrease code coverage, unless there is a good reason to skip lines. Integration with Codecov checks code coverage in pull requests.


To create code coverage:

make test-cov

Or, for those who cannot use make:

pytest --cov-report html --cov=blacksheep

How to name branches

It doesn't matter, as long as branch names don't contain anything that violates the Code of Conduct included in the project's repository. As a general rule of thumb, branch names should have a descriptive name, or refer the number of an issue in their name (e.g. fix_102).

It is intention of blacksheep's author to always keep files as stupid and simple as possible. So please don't modify the file to be "smarter" or more dynamic without prior discussion in an issue.

How to develop and debug with Visual Studio Code

The following video shows I am using Visual Studio Code to work on BlackSheep:


Last modified on: 2022-01-29 11:24:25