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Version 1

This documentation refers to the version 1.x of the web framework. The current version of the main branch is documented here.


This page provides a list of BlackSheep projects, extensions, or packages providing integration with BlackSheep.


Torino is an advanced project built using BlackSheep for its API part, including a single page application built using React, TypeScript, HTML5, and SASS. It consists in a private files storage and photo gallery for Azure Storage Account. The project provides examples of how to integrate a BlackSheep API to PostgreSQL or SQLite using SQLAlchemy, with migrations, and also how to structure a project using dependency injection, integrate with Azure Application Insights, and more.

🏠 Homepage


Extension for BlackSheep that simplifies the use of SQLAlchemy in the web framework.

🏠 Homepage


Prometheus integration for BlackSheep. This package provides integration to collect telemetries about web requests.

🏠 Homepage


Piccolo is a fast, user friendly ORM and query builder which supports asyncio. Piccolo provides a CLI that lets scaffold new ASGI application, including support for BlackSheep.

🏠 Homepage


Venezia is an advanced demo project for a BlackSheep web service deployed to Azure App Service, using a PostgreSQL database, GitHub Workflows, and ARM templates. It includes an example integration with Azure Application Insights.

🏠 Homepage

Last modified on: 2022-01-29 11:24:25