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Version 1

This documentation refers to the version 1.x of the web framework. The current version of the main branch is documented here.

Mounting applications

The word "mounting" refers to the ability to plug ASGI applications into others, under specific routes. This enables reusing whole applications, or components, across web applications. This page describes:

  • How to use the mount feature in BlackSheep.
  • Details about mounting, and handling of application events.
  • Mounting and OpenAPI Documentation.
  • An example using Piccolo Admin.

How to use mounts

To mount an application in another application, use the mount method:

parent_app.mount("/example-path", child_app)


from blacksheep import Application

parent = Application()

def parent_home():
    return "Hello, from the parent app"

child = Application()

def child_home():
    return "Hello, from the child app"

# Note: when mounting another BlackSheep application,
# make sure to handle the start and stop events of the mounted app
parent.mount_registry.auto_events = True

parent.mount("/sub", child)

In the example above, both parent and child are complete applications that can be started independently. If child is started alone, it replies to GET web requests at route "/" with the text "Hello, from the child app".

Since parent mounts child under the path "/sub", when parent is started, it delegates requests starting with /sub/* to the mounted application, therefore when the parent is started, a GET request to the route "/sub" produces the greetings message from child. A GET request to the route "/" instead is replied with the text "Hello, from the parent app".


Try to create a file like in the example above, and run the applications using uvicorn, to verify how they work in practice.

Side effects of mounting

Even though mounting can enable interesting scenarios, it comes at a price.

Applications that are supposed to be mounted by other applications need to be designed to be "mount-friendly", for example when they handle redirects or links to static files they serve. Absolute paths will not work when used by applications that are mounted by other applications, while relative paths will work.

If an application is not designed to be mounted by other applications, it might create non-obvious side effects.

Consider the following example:

from blacksheep import Application, redirect

app_a = Application()

def a_home():
    return "Hello, from Application A"

def redirect_to_home():
    # Note: app_a defines an absolute path for redirection - this won't work
    # for mounted apps since the intention is most likely to redirect to a path
    # handled by the same application
    return redirect("/")

app_b = Application()

def b_home():
    return "Hello, from Application B"

async def handle_app_a_start(_):
    await app_a.start()

async def handle_app_a_stop(_):
    await app_a.stop()

app_b.mount("/a", app_a)

This won't produce the expected result in real-life scenarios! app_a in this case redirects to the absolute path "/", therefore a path that is handled by app_b! In general, mounted apps will be defined in dedicated packages with no knowledge of the applications that mount them. To fix this scenario, it is necessary to use a relative path for redirection, like:

def redirect_to_home():
    return redirect("./")

Handling of application events

Applications often need to define actions that must happen when the application starts, and actions that must happen when the application stops.

ASGI web frameworks handle lifecycle events when they get dedicated messages from the underlying ASGI server (lifespan messages), notifying the ASGI server when initialization logic has completed. However, when an application is mounted into another, it is not responsible of handling lifespan messages.

When mounted apps define initialization and shutdown logic, the application that mounts them must register their initialization and shutdown functions as part of its own events.

BlackSheep applications must always be started to work properly. To enable automatic handling of application events for mounted applications, use of the following options:

  1. use the env variable APP_MOUNT_AUTO_EVENTS set to a truthy value ("1", "true", "TRUE") - recommended
  2. set the parent.mount_registry.auto_events property to True
  3. handle application events explicitly like in the example below - necessary when the mounted applications are other kinds of ASGI apps
async def handle_child_start(_):
    await child.start()

async def handle_child_stop(_):
    await child.stop()

parent.mount("/some-route", child)

This ensures that when the main application handles lifespan messages from the ASGI HTTP Server, the mounted app is also notified properly of those events.


The way the mounted app must be started and stopped depend on the web framework used to implement it. The example above is correct when child is an instance of BlackSheep Application.


APP_MOUNT_AUTO_EVENTS is not the default to not introduce breaking changes. This will be the default behavior in BlackSheep 2.x

Mounting and OpenAPI Documentation

Since version 1.2.5, BlackSheep supports generating OpenAPI Documentation for mounted BlackSheep applications, meaning that parent applications can expose OpenAPI Documentation about all endpoints, including those of mounted apps and their descendants.


from dataclasses import dataclass

from openapidocs.v3 import Info

from blacksheep import Application
from blacksheep.server.openapi.v3 import OpenAPIHandler

parent = Application(show_error_details=True)
parent.mount_registry.auto_events = True
parent.mount_registry.handle_docs = True

docs = OpenAPIHandler(info=Info(title="Parent API", version="0.0.1"))

class CreateCatInput:
    name: str
    email: str
    foo: int

class CreateDogInput:
    name: str
    email: str
    example: int

class CreateParrotInput:
    name: str
    email: str

def a_home():
    """Parent root."""
    return "Hello, from the parent app - for information, navigate to /docs"

def get_cats_conflicting():
    return "CONFLICT"

child_1 = Application()

def get_cats():
    """Gets a list of cats."""
    return "Gets a list of cats.""/")
def create_cat(data: CreateCatInput):
    """Creates a new cat."""
    return "Creates a new cat."

def delete_cat(cat_id: str):
    """Deletes a cat by id."""
    return "Deletes a cat by id."

child_2 = Application()

def get_dogs():
    """Gets a list of dogs."""
    return "Gets a list of dogs.""/")
def create_dog(data: CreateDogInput):
    """Creates a new dog."""
    return "Creates a new dog."

def delete_dog(dog_id: str):
    """Deletes a dog by id."""
    return "Deletes a dog by id."

child_3 = Application()

def get_parrots():
    """Gets a list of parrots."""
    return "Gets a list of parrots""/")
def create_parrot(data: CreateParrotInput):
    """Creates a new parrot."""
    return "Creates a new parrot"

def delete_parrot(parrot_id: str):
    """Deletes a parrot by id."""
    return "Deletes a parrot by id."

parent.mount("/cats", child_1)
parent.mount("/dogs", child_2)
parent.mount("/parrots", child_3)

Produces OpenAPI Documentation for all endpoints.

Mount OAD


To see a working example where mount is used, see the Piccolo Admin example at BlackSheep-Examples.

In this example, Piccolo Admin is configured as mounted app under "/admin" route, providing a UI to handle data stored in a SQLite database.

Last modified on: 2022-03-13 17:53:31