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Extension to support tables with colspan and rowspan, including automatic handling of span value, support for captions, and table classes.

How to use

Edit your mkdocs.yml file to include the extra CSS file from Neoteroi mkdocs-plugins and the neoteroi.spantable extension:

  - css/neoteroi-mkdocs.css

  - neoteroi.spantable

Write a Markdown table like in the following example, use @span placeholders for automatic handling of colspan and rowspan depending on adjacent empty cells (separator lines are ignored):


| Country      | Address                                                  |
| ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| France @span | 8 Rue St Ferréol - 92190 City: Meudon (Île-de-France)    |
|              | 50 boulevard Amiral Courbet - 94310 Orly (Île-de-France) |
|              | ...                                                      |
|              | ...                                                      |
| Italy @span  | Str. S. Maurizio, 12, 10072 Caselle torinese TO          |
|              | S.S. Torino-Asti - 10026 Santena (TO)                    |
|              | ...                                                      |
| Poland @span | al. Jana Pawła II 22, 00-133 Warszawa                    |
|              | plac Trzech Krzyży 4/6, 00-535 Warszawa                  |
|              | ...                                                      |
|              | ...                                                      |


Produces an output like the following:

Country Address
France 8 Rue St Ferréol - 92190 City: Meudon (Île-de-France)
50 boulevard Amiral Courbet - 94310 Orly (Île-de-France)
Italy Str. S. Maurizio, 12, 10072 Caselle torinese TO
S.S. Torino-Asti - 10026 Santena (TO)
Poland al. Jana Pawła II 22, 00-133 Warszawa
plac Trzech Krzyży 4/6, 00-535 Warszawa


Option Description
@span Applies colspan and rowspan automatically to expand the cell to all adjacent cells (colspan has precedence over rowspan).
@span=x colspan=x
@span=x:y colspan=x; rowspan=y;
@class="value" Adds an HTML class to any cell, to simplify styling (optional).
caption="value" Adds a caption element with the given value to the table (optional).
class="value" Adds a class to the table element with the given value (optional).

In the following example, the cells with Italy and France both get colspan="2" rowspan="3" because they have empty adjacent cells growing one column and two rows:

::spantable:: caption="Life Expectancy By Current Age" class="foo"

| Italy @span   |       | 40 @span      |       | 20 @span      |       |
| ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ----- |
|               |       | Men           | Women | Men           | Women |
|               |       | 78            | 82    | 77            | 81    |
| Poland @span  |       | 40 @span      |       | 20 @span      |       |
| ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ----- | ------------- | ----- |
|               |       | Men           | Women | Men           | Women |
|               |       | 78            | 82    | 77            | 81    |

Life Expectancy By Current Age
Italy 40 20
Men Women Men Women
78 82 77 81
Poland 40 20
Men Women Men Women
78 82 77 81

Last modified on: 2022-08-12 07:26:10